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Astro-Physics Extension for Pier/Tripod Control Box Adapter

Mach2GTO, 600EGTO and 400GTO
Berlebach Tripod owners rejoice!  This new Control Box Adapter Extension will allow the Pier/Tripod Control Box Adapter (CBAPT) to be directly attached to the Berlebach tripod…the tripod legs’ locking levers will not interfere. This simple, but vital adapter will also allow control box attachment when upscaling to 8” ATS or custom piers when imaging.  

900GTO and 1200GTO
You may find this handy if you are using the Pier/Tripod Control Box Adapter (CBAPT) to attach your GTOCP4 to the side of your pier. 

Effective length of extension: approximately 1.8" (46mm)

Includes the following fasteners: one 5/16-18 x 5/8” BHCS and one 5/16 ID x 9/16 OD washer


Note: The Q6280KIT in the photo is shown as silver for easy identification in its mounted position. It is anodized black as a finished product (see above left).


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